2 Peter - The battle from within

The Lord has really been blessing us at EHBC. The revival services were wonderful. The Easter Egg Hunt was so much fun, and Easter Sunday was a real blessing. To God be the glory for great things He has done! Lets continue to be faithful to our Lord as we begin a new study in 2 Peter. I am excited about this series of sermons because they are so relevant for today. 1 Peter was about the dangers to the Church from the outside and 2 Peter is about dangers from within. It deals with the danger from false teachers.
What I have discovered is that the same false teachings that Peter had to correct years ago, are the same false teachings we see in America today. If God allows, here are some of the upcoming sermons.
Correcting False Teachings on Salvation. 2 Peter 1:1-3
Correcting False Teachings on Righteousness. 2 Peter 1:4-11
Correcting False Teachings on the Bible. 2 Peter 1:12-21
Correcting False Teachings on Judgement. 2 Peter 2 :1-11
Correcting False Teachings on the Return of Christ. 2 Peter 3:1-13
I love you all and cannot wait for Sunday.
Brother Freddy