Adult Vacation Bible School
VBS is almost here. The excitement is growing and all the children are ready for the fun and festivities. The teachers and volunteers are working hard and are ready for a great week. Lets pray that God will bless us this year as we show the love of Christ and are faithful to teach God's Word. May every child feel loved and accepted.
I would like to remind the adults that VBS is not just for the children. We will have a class for the adults as well. This year we will be studying the Lord's Prayer.This is the prayer that Al Mohler says, "Has turned the world upside down". I can't wait to spend this week digging deep into God's Word with you. Just imagine how good it will be to have the time to really study God's Word together and to explore its meaning and application. We will also be able to share in the food and the singing. Make plans to attend and to be part of the VBS experience this year.
Let us all commit to pray for our VBS leader, Ms. Jojo. She is doing a great job, but theses last few weeks can be overwhelming. Give her a word of encouragement and be willing to lend a hand if needed. God is good and He has blessed EHBC in so many ways. Praise God for what He is going to do during VBS!
In Christ,
Bro. Freddy