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Back from Africa

Rene' and I are home. We have been resting up and are excited to see you all soon. Thank you for all the prayers during our trip. The prayer support was evident from all the opportunities we had to share the Gospel and the Word of God. We could sense the prayer support. Others in Africa could also sense that people were praying.

We want to praise God for guiding us and providing for every need. God is good! It is so awesome to know that the name of Jesus is being praised all around the world. Continue to be in prayer for those who are still there in Africa. Pray for Hal and Angel and there ministry there. Pray that the seed of the Word of God that was sown might produce fruit. Pray for the African Pastors there that face persecution everyday, but are being faithful to their calling. Pray for the new believers who have lost everything to follow Christ. Pray that God would raise up workers among the congregations.

Thanks to Bro. Matt and Bro. Brandon for preaching in my absence. We have missed you all and look forward to sharing with you the photos and stories about the people we met and what happened while we were there. May the Gospel go out here as well as in Africa!

God bless, Bro. Freddy

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