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New Study In 1 John
Greetings to everyone! I know that many have been sick and under the weather, but spring is around the corner. I will be so happy when we...
King of Kings
In the book of Revelation, Jesus is called King of Kings several times. This title is true and fitting. Jesus is the King. Some do not...

The Reliability of the Bible
When Peter wrote his second epistle, there were false teachers in the Church who did not believe in the second coming of Jesus and who...

2 Peter - The battle from within
The Lord has really been blessing us at EHBC. The revival services were wonderful. The Easter Egg Hunt was so much fun, and Easter Sunday...

Fired up for revival!
God is good! He has been working in our services in a real way and preparing us for revival. I am fired up and excited about seeing what...

Back from Africa
Rene' and I are home. We have been resting up and are excited to see you all soon. Thank you for all the prayers during our trip. The...

Africa Mission Trip
Rene' and I are very excited about going to Africa. We are running around and finishing all the last minute things that have to be done...

Victory in a New Year!
Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 2:14, "Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of...

Christmas Lights
Every Christmas Rene' and I like to take a drive and look at the Christmas lights. We usually have hot chocolate and take our time...
Getting Ready For Christmas
Christmas is such a busy time. The Christmas season seems to begin earlier every year. Some stores are beginning to decorate for...
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