Fired up for revival!

God is good! He has been working in our services in a real way and preparing us for revival. I am fired up and excited about seeing what God is going to do in the weeks ahead. Revival is starting before the revival services begin! Here are some things I would encourage you to do before Bro. Skip comes and our services begin, April 2nd through April 5th.
1. Pray, pray, pray. This is the most important thing we can to do. Pray that God would begin the revival in our hearts. Pray that God will speak through Bro. Skip. Pray that God will continue to pour out the revival spirit. Pray that someone will be saved. Pray that God will be glorified. PRAY!
2. Prioritize. I know that most people are very busy, but is there anything more important than being refreshed in the Lord and seeing Him do a great work among us? Plan on being at every service. Come prepared to hear the Word of God preached. Come prepared to worship in spirit and in truth.
3. Publicize. Let's get the word out about our revival. Get excited enough to invite your family and friends. The number one reason a person will visit a Church is because of a personal invitation. Invite someone you know that is not a Christian. They will hear the Gospel.
I love each of you and thank God for you.
Bro. Freddy