Why Church Planting?
Why Church Planting
The reason EHBC has a vision to plant churches
1. The first and most important reason why we should be involved with Church Planting is because of the vision that God has given our Church. Our Vision Statement is a result of much prayer and seeking God. We need to remember the vision that God has shown us and realize that His will is always best
2. We shold be involved in Church Planting because our facility, the building, parking lot, class rooms, etc. are already being strained. We are growing and that creates growing pains, and the problems which come with growth. Statistics say that when you facility fills up to 80% of capacity that it will affect further growth. We are there already. We could and may build larger facilities one day, but it would be very difficult at our present location. The attempts to add on have all met with closed doors.
3. We should be involved with Church Planting because it is the most effective way to reach the 85% of our community which are unchurched. Statistics show that the average new congregation will bring six to eight times more new people into the life of the body of Christ than an older congregation.There is a harvest field ripe unto harvest all around us. When a new church is planted in an area that is without a church it will reach many people and make an impact on that entire community. New churches are specifically effective in reaching the younger generation, new residents, and different people groups.
4. We should be involved in Church Planting because it is the New Testament model. The early Church reached the world for Christ by going. They went where Jesus had not been preached and they spread the Gospel, seeing many saved, and then would plant a Church in that area. Imagine if the Church in Jerusalem had never left that city.
Paul planted many of the Churches that we read about in the New Testament. His strategy was simple. He would go to the largest unreached area and preach the Gosple. Then he would establish a Church and make sure that Church leaders were in place. Then he would move on to the next unreached area.
5. We should be involved in Church Planting because it will be good for us. Statistics show that when a Church is involved with Church Planting that it will continue to grow and is healthier as a Church than they were before. Many Churches suffer splits and division when they become focused inwardly and have grown to a size where they feel comfortable and become complacent. Church Planting focuses the Church outwardly and involves giving and sacrifice.
A new Church plant will not only help our Church, but will have a positive impact on all the churches in our area. Studies have shown that new church plants will encourage existing churches and lead them to be more evangelistic.
6. We should be involved in Church Planting because it opens up opportunities for people to grow as Christians, and to be able to use their Spiritual gifts. A new church plant provides opportunities for new teachers, preachers, treasurers, scecrataries, etc. Maturing Christians can step up into leadership positions and can serve God in new ways.
May God do a great work in our midst and guide us each step of the way as we seek to be a Church involved in Church Planting.
Bro. Freddy